Our Latest User Testing

In attempt to keep investigating the implication of different interactions upon the user’s affection towards one another and general perception of the VR dating experience , We examined several couples.
The test went on in the following order :
At first we chose 2 single students , one female and one male.
We led them into a room where they sat back to back without seeing each other.
Then we gave them notes with a question with 2 options to chose from the preferred answer . Then we let them say what they have chose to one another and talk about it.
After 5 questions we finished the session and asked them separately if they would date one another.
An interesting finding was one of the girls that sat down with a guy who answered all of the questions with opposite answers to her , when asked whether or not she would date this guy. she said despite the difference the best relationship is based upon compromise and differences so she would date him anyway.  IMG-20170514-WA0001 (1)

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